i-Math has a dedicated team to provide technical support via telephone or email regarding installation, use of licensed programmes and hardware operations.
You can also access to these existing portals for a comprehensive collection of materials for technical knowledge.
Search for solutions, background information or examples for FAQs about the software.
VIEW MORE >>A library of COMSOL Multiphysics® tutorial and demo app files that can be used as a starting point for your own simulation work.
VIEW MORE >>There are over 200 videos including tutorials, model demonstrations, and archived webinars.
VIEW MORE >>These posts cover a wide variety of topics, from the COMSOL® software to interesting news in the science and engineering community.
VIEW MORE >>A wide range of research topics that were presented at COMSOL Conferences around the globe.
VIEW MORE >>Find success stories from leading high-tech organisations and research institutions from around the world that used multiphysics simulation to design innovative products.
VIEW MORE >>Search for answers to general questions about Quanser’s Experimental Plants, Amplifiers, Data Acquisition Devices and Control Software.
VIEW MORE >>Browse through this list of useful tutorials that can help you with system installations, system setups and operations.
VIEW MORE >>Find complete documentation for all Quanser's plants, as well as teaching resources such as lab guides, controllers, and course content.
VIEW MORE >>Eligibility to access technical support for:
COMSOL – requires a valid license number and a Software Maintenance Service subscription.
Quanser – requires a valid product serial number.
Zeltom – requires a valid product serial number.